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Lower Mobility and Wheelchair Seating

Vic Juba Community Theatre is fully wheelchair accessible with a ramp available at the Lower Door and an elevator in the College's main hallway to access the second floor for the Upper Doors.


Wheelchair seating at Vic Juba Community Theatre requires a ticket and is priced according to each performance. Please be sure to specifically request a wheelchair space when calling to purchase tickets. Wheelchair seating cannot be purchased online.


Wheelchair patrons and their guests have the opportunity to purchase seating at regular prices for an event and occupy seats together. Please contact the Box Office for locations.


Since wheelchair spaces are limited, additional group members are not guaranteed seating near the wheelchair patron but we will make an effort to accommodate groups according to availability. The first row is also available for individuals with lower mobility or who are visually impaired.


Handicap parking is located near the building or wheelchair patrons may be dropped off at the main College doors or at the Theatre/Gym entrance.

Vic Juba Community Theatre does not provide wheelchairs to its patrons.